You are not alone

When you’re struggling with depression, it can be hard to get affordable support when you need it the most.

If you’re lucky enough to climb to the top of the waiting list for therapy, you might only be eligible for a fixed number of sessions, or get only one hour a week, with no access to support in between appointments.

You might get through one bout of depression, only to succumb to the black dog again. 

It’s not enough.

Here at Ditch the Black Dog, I do things VERY differently.

The Ditch the Black Dog Retreat offers you a place to go for help, even when it’s 4am and everything seems darkest.

Take a look. It could be just what you need!   

With love and magick always, 

Maria x

Everyone’s journey to ditching the black dog of depression is different.


There’s no ‘cookie cutter’ formula that solves everything for every single sufferer.

You’ll also need different things depending on what stage of depression you’re trapped in.

Book your FREE coffee and chat session and I’ll provide you with a personalised pathway to help you discover what works for you.

Are you ready to create a healthy, happy life?

Discover the ways I can help you below.


Coffee and Chat FREE session for depression

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Ditch the Black Dog of Depression Virtual Retreat

Join the Ditch the Black Dog of Depression Virtual Retreat

Coming Soon!

Sacred Circles on the Casta Blanca for Depression

Join a Sacred Circle in Spain

Retreats in Spain for Depression

Come on a Life Changing Retreat

Sign up for Details of Upcoming Retreats in Spain


Fancy an immersive healing experience with me?

Why not come to Spain and join me for a unique retreat?

We'll wander the forests, dip our toes in the Mediterranean Sea, perform beautiful rituals by moonlight and learn practical ways to feel healthy, happy and whole as if by magick!

You'll go home feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to create the happy and abundant life you desire and deserve! 

Are you ready to ditch the black dog of depression and unleash your passion for living?

Join my Substack to get my latest posts and podcast episodes. You'll also get access to my free community.

I don't just post content on Substack, I've also created a community over there. Join now! 

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Contact me

[email protected]

Whatsapp: +34668536323