Free Coffee & Chat

Are you wondering if my methods can really help you to ditch the black dog of depression and feel healthy, happy and whole as if by magick?

No worries! Get a taste of my work when you book a free coffee and chat session with me.

Start Now

Join me for a 24 hour* free coffee and chat session.

Coffee and Chat FREE session

No appointment necessary.

Whether it’s 4 am and you’re struggling with dark thoughts or you’re needing a nudge in the right direction to help you ditch the black dog of depression, you’re not alone. 

Reach out to me and I will listen to you, support you, and give you practical tools and techniques to help you feel better. 

Check out using your best email address and I’ll send you an invite to a private space online where you can get help for FREE for 24 hours.

The software I use is revolutionary and we can chat at your leisure via audio, or text message. 


*24 Hour Session? How does that work?


You’ve probably guessed that this is NOT a traditional phone call.

I use an app called Voxer, which is revolutionising the coaching and therapy industry.

Being neurodivergent, I actually hate the phone, (maybe you do too) but Voxer allows us to communicate in real time by text and audio message.

No problems with internet connection dropping out, the kids, dogs or delivery people interrupting the call, or needing a comfort break.

No stress about needing time to process things, or ending the call and immediately thinking of something you wished you’d mentioned, but didn’t get chance.


Voxer does away with all that.


For 24 hours you have my support and attention.

And no post call frustration cos you forgot what we talked about. 

You have a full record of all messages and texts to listen to and re-read at your leisure.

The most important thing I want you to know is that this is NOT one of those awful sales calls where you’re pressured to buy things.


Will I recommend some of my own products and services?

Of course!

Because I know how working with me can change your life for the better.

But you can trust that I won’t be pressuring you.

The last thing you need when you feel depressed is some fool pushing you to buy stuff!

This call is 100% about helping you to get started on your journey to ditching the black dog of depression.


I’m here to listen to you and find out what’s causing you to feel depressed.

Once I’ve gotten to know you, I can guide you towards practical things that you can do to feel better.

All you need to do is be open hearted, open minded and committed to your own healing process. 

Then if you feel that you want to work with me, we can discuss your options.

And if you don’t feel that you want to work with me, I can help you find an alternative source of help. 


Do you want to give it a try?

All you have to do is check out using your best email address and you’ll get full instructions and an invite to Voxer where you can get support from me for FREE for 24 hours.

(That’s a LOT of coffee and chatting, I know!)

Your 24 hour session starts from the moment I send you a welcome message.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book an appointment?

No. Using the Voxer app means you can start as soon as you’ve completed the registration process, no matter what time of day that is. You’ll be prompted to login to your coaching account and you’ll be automatically given the next steps to access Voxer so you can start your session.

Will you start the session straight away?

I will do my absolute best to respond to you immediately, but it isn’t always possible.

I live in Spain and I’m on Central European Time.

As a depression sufferer myself, self care and boundaries are vitally important to me. I take sleep very seriously and if I don’t respond immediately, it could be that it’s night time where I am and I’m in bed!

Please be patient.

If you’re feeling desperate, I have a FREE emergency first aid kit that you may find helpful until I can speak to you.

Alternatively, please call the Samaritans or contact the emergency services where you are. Do NOT suffer in silence.

When does the 24 hours start?

The clock starts running when I send you your first message on Voxer.

Is it possible to get a FREE coffee and chat session more than once?

No. There are thousands of people that are desperate for help to ditch the black dog of depression and I want to help as many of them as possible.

I’ll give you as much practical help as possible during your 24 hours.

After that, if you still want help from me, you’ll need to join a paid program.

If finances are an issue for you, I do have some part and full scholarships available.

You can check out those offers here:

Giving Back


How long will these sessions be available for?

I’m offering these sessions for a limited time as a special opening offer for Ditch the Black Dog.

I can’t guarantee how long they’ll be available for, so please don’t wait to take advantage. I don’t want you to miss out.


You're invited to join my free community over on Substack! 

Join my Ditch the Black Dog Substack and get access to my FREE inner circle community.

Get all my latest blog posts and podcast episodes delivered to your inbox every week. 

You'll be able to join the conversation about depression and share your thoughts. You can ask me anything every Friday.  

Come on over and feel the magick happen!

'Maria you’ve really created a wonderful world. Everytime we speak you always spark something. It’s like a pull, it’s very comforting.'

- Vicky, UK

'The advice was amazing. I do feel inexperienced and I think just living my life to the fullest would be the best. Maria gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value!’

- Imara, USA

I wanted to know what my purpose is and you really helped me to adjust my perspective to find the answers I'm looking for.

- G, USA

Love your tips on depression. They're so useful!

- social media user

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Contact me

[email protected]

Whatsapp: +34668536323