How to Discover Your Animal Guardian Spirits

Maria Gaian, Protected by Fox, Turtle and Black Jaguar
Did you know that you don’t just have angels or humans who’ve passed over as your guardians?
You actually have animal guardian spirits, too.
You’ve probably heard of Spirit Animals or Totem Animals from Native American culture, as these are mentioned most frequently, but animal guides exist in most cultures and belief systems.

These animals aren’t the same as a totem animal, an animal that represents you and your nature.
These are animal souls whose job it is to guard and protect you.
My background is in Celtic magick. (I have Scottish heritage.)
Animals play a huge part in witchcraft and shamanism for me.
As a Green Witch, I’m drawn to all of nature, and that includes my beloved animals.

What is an Animal Guardian Spirit?
Animal Guardian Spirits are the souls of animals who pass on and have protective, guiding, healing and supportive roles in our lives.
These beautiful, loving, non judgemental souls have a unique wisdom. They’re only too happy to help us when we need them.
Some religious folks have tried to tell me that animals do not have souls, but it makes no sense to me.
You only have to look into their eyes to see the spirit inside of them. They’re capable of love and compassion, and that alone makes me sure they have souls.
I wouldn’t want to go to heaven if there were no animals!
It makes total sense to me that animals go to the same place we do when our bodies leave this physical world.
I believe that souls are energy and cannot die and I believe that animals we’ve loved and who’ve loved us in return, are able to come to us when we need them. Even after their physical bodies have died.
(Just a quick note: Spirits sometimes take the form of animals because they know that this is non threatening to humans. Or because they have a message for us where the animal symbolism is important. In my experience, they usually make it clear that they aren’t really animals.)

How do Animal Guardian Spirits show up in our lives?
Animal Guardian Spirits show up in our lives when we need them.
They bring us messages that we need to hear.
They can appear in physical form – you might see a snake at your feet, or have a fox cross your path.
Or they can appear in dreams and visions.
One of my first magickal experiences with an Animal Guardian Spirit was when a Salmon appeared to me in a lucid dream.
He told me, in a very strong Irish accent, that his name was Fintan and he had some wisdom to impart. At the time I was struggling with the death of a dear friend of mine who had taken her own life.
I was shaken, yet strangely comforted by the experience. It felt so REAL! I went immediately to Google to try to understand what just happened to me.
I’d never heard of the Irish legend of the Salmon of Knowledge and Fionn Mac Cumhaill prior to my experience, but I was gobsmacked by what I discovered.
It really blew my mind.
Fintan comforted me and helped me to move on. I’ve never seen or heard from him again since.

Some Animal Guardian Spirits are healers.
In my very first personal soul healing journey I connected with the Turtle guardian spirit.
My teacher told me to ask a question that I wanted answering, but I couldn’t think of a single query cos I was distracted by some really bad back pain.
All I could think of was how I could ease the discomfort.
Turtle appeared and took me to the lower worlds to speak with my ancestors about my back injury, caused by childhood physical abuse.
My ancestors told me that it was because as a child I felt unsupported by my mother, who always took my abusive stepfather’s side over mine. They told me that it’s time for me to let that pain go, because today, as an adult, I’m truly supported in all ways.
I recorded the experience so I would remember it later and as usual, being new to this stuff, I decided to Google what had happened.
And there it was – the Turtle represents healing the inner child, never giving up, self protection. He also keeps shamanic healers grounded when travelling between worlds.
That journey was amazing and I call on Turtle now whenever I feel I need some deep soul healing.
It’s truly an amazing experience and I always feel better afterwards.
Some experiences with Animal Spirit Guardians are only temporary.
When I call on my ancestors, my soul guardians, guardian angels and guides for help, other animals come into the sacred circle.
Animals I have known and loved appear, in particular a pair of ancient ponies that were the font of all wisdom when they were alive!
Sometimes, other animals will cross my path and they might keep popping up over and over.
Snakes seem to appear at my feet when I need to transform something.
These aren’t my main Animal Guardian Spirits, they just come into my life temporarily, like Fintan the Salmon did.

Why do we need to know who our Animal Guardian Spirit is?
If you know who your Animal Guardian Spirit is, you can receive messages from them more easily.
You’ll see clues everywhere. And when you dream about them, you’ll be better able to decipher the messages they’re sending you.
It’s not unusual to dream about animals we have loved and lost. This is them coming to you to comfort you and remind you that they aren’t really gone.
And depending on what your Animal Guardian Spirit is, they may cross your path in the physical world to give you a concrete sign when you need it.
I have my own special story about the fox and how he helps me hunt for a new home!
You can also call on your animals to protect and guide you when you need it most.
When I was studying Celtic Shamanism, I was taught that in order to safely access the other worlds, I needed an animal guardian to guide and protect me from any spirits that might wish me mischief, or even just to make sure I didn’t get lost.
In the upper realms, my guide is the black Jaguar – a powerful she-cat that makes me feel safe and protected at all times.
When I journey to the lower worlds, my guide is the Turtle.
And in this physical world, the Fox is my guardian, always showing me how to be resilient and thrive, despite all the odds.
If you want to listen to one of my Soul Healing Journey recordings, I’ll always ask you to call upon your Animal Guardian Spirit to be beside you as you go on your journey.
Because you can ask them to interpret anything you see that you don’t understand, they’ll offer comfort if you feel sad, and they’re your loyal companion, guide and protector in all realms.
How can you find out who your Animal Spirit Guardian is?
This is the fun bit.
There are a few ways you might discover your Animal Guardian Spirit.
Think back through your life. Has there been an animal that’s popped up with regularity, particularly at times when you’ve been afraid or sad?
Do you dream about an animal a lot?
Are you instinctively drawn to certain animals?
This isn’t definitive. I can’t say that I ever dreamed of turtles or foxes. I’m not sure I ever noticed them particularly.
It was only when I deepened my spiritual relationship with nature that I discovered who my Animal Guardian Spirits are.

There’s another way to discover who your Animal Guardian Spirit is.
I have a Guided Soul Journey that will lead you to connect with your Animal Guardian Spirit.
It’s short, sweet and powerful and I know you’ll enjoy it.
Why not give it a go and then tell me who your Guardian is.
You can buy it below. All proceeds from the sale of this recording go towards helping feral cats in Spain, so not only will you be connecting with magickal animals, you’ll be feeding animals in need.

My Challenge to You:
If you bought the Discover Your Animal Guardian Spirit recording, please come over to my FREE Ditch the Black Dog community over on Substack and tell us all about your experience!
I’d love to know who your Animal Guardian Spirits are!

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About the Author

Maria Gaian

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